Monday, April 4, 2011

First moves

Well, over the weekend, I looked for churches in Moreno Valley.  I found one called Lighthouse Baptist that appears to have beliefs similar to my own.  I have emailed back and forth with the pastor a few times, and I think it might be a good place to visit while I'm away at college.  I will have to visit and find out for sure.

On the housing front, I found a website called  where you can list yourself or an apartment.  I made myself a profile.  I haven't heard anything back yet, but it's still several months away.  Hoping it will come in handy.

I also mailed off my "Letter of Intent" this morning to RCC.  The school actually sends you a letter, and you simply sign it and send it back.... I know other schools where you have to write your own.  I'm happy with RCC.  So far they seem very organized.  A little delayed in some things, but it seems all the PA schools are a little delayed in some areas.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, saw your post at the PA forums. I'll add your blog to my list- CONGRATS on being accepted!! Enjoy the journey.
